5 articles Home Remedies
June 12, 2021
Alternative Medicine: Natural Ways to Remove Cough
Nobody likes being sick, having cough included. Whether you’re suffering from what is called “wet” cough or dry cough, coughing all hours of the day and night is not fun. If you try to stop the c [...]
July 17, 2018
4 Remedies for Appendicitis
What are the best remedies for appendicitis? Castor oil Ginger Lemon Turmeric We’ve talked about a lot of things such as medicine for diabetes and pregnancy test in the P [...]
July 12, 2018
Best Home Remedies for Psoriasis
What are some helpful home supplements and tips for treating psoriasis? Apple cider vinegar Turmeric Reducing stress Body soak Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that is [...]
July 10, 2018
3 Homemade Remedies to Get Rid of a Sore Throat
What are some home remedies to get rid of a sore throat? Warm salt water Apple cider vinegar Hot toddy A sore throat can happen at almost any time and it can be caused by a [...]
November 19, 2013
5 Ways On How To Relieve Muscle Pain At Home
Muscle pain can be a major bummer, whether you’re a gimmick junkie or a homebody.
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