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NATA-4 Multivitamins+Minerals Tablet
  • NATA-4 Multivitamins+Minerals Tablet
  • NATA-4 Multivitamins+Minerals Tablet
  • NATA-4 Multivitamins+Minerals Tablet

NATA-4 Multivitamins+Minerals Tablet

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NATA 4 Multivitamins and Minerals is a medication intended for pregnancy. It is used to treat or to prevent vitamin deficiency before, during, and after pregnancy. The body needs to have a combination of various vitamins, minerals, fatty acids to keep both mother and baby healthy. This multivitamin + mineral tablet also contains iron, folic acid, and calcium which are needed to prevent spinal cord defects in the baby.

Vitamin B is a vitamin essential in our growth and development, especially for women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. Vitamin B aids in fetal brain development and helps reduce the risk of birth defects. It also boosts the energy levels of expecting mothers, eases nausea, and lowers the risk of developing preeclampsia.

B vitamins are also used to treat painful neurologic manifestations such as neuritis, polyneuritis, neuralgia lumbago, ischialgia, sciatica, cervical and shoulder-arm syndrome, rheumatic pains, herpes zoster, and encephalopathies.

99969 Items

Data sheet

Category Level 1:
Vitamins & Supplements (TGP)
Category Level 2:
Multi-Vitamins & Minerals
Multivitamin + mineral tablets are taken orally. Your doctor will inform you of the right dosage or number of capsules you should be taking each day based on your age, overall health, and medical conditions.
Side Effects:
If you experience any of these side effects, stop taking the product and immediately consult with your doctor.

Black, tarry, or bloody stools
Upset stomach or vomiting
Stomach pain
Stomach cramps